What Your Favourite Wine Says About You


Find out what your favourite wine says about your personality, according to Wine Folly. Although, to be fair, as long as you’re drinking wine, there is already something very correct about you.
If you love Cabernet Sauvignon…

cabYou like music with real instruments played by real musicians. You live by the motto: “No pain, no gain.” No one would dare use the word ‘subtle’ to describe your personality. Cabernet Sauvignon seems fitting.

If you love Sauvignon Blanc…
sauv blancYou heard that smart is the new sexy. This is great news because you’ve been a sweater-wearing smarty ever since you were eight. You like Sauvignon Blanc because it’s made in New Zealand and the Loire Valley of France; two places where sweaters are popular.

If you love Pinot Noir…
pinot noir
You’re the person who loves the idea of the beach but hates sand in between your toes. Pinot Noir is the ideal wine because it’s not too fruity, not too herbaceous, not too tannic and not too bold. Your go-to color to wear is gray. You have a silver car.

If you love Rosé…
You’ve figured out the socially acceptable way to day-drink.

If you love buttery Chardonnay…
You are aware that other people hate buttery Chardonnay but that won’t stop you from loving it. Chardonnay is like the adult version of pralines and cream. You still have a box of stuffed animals from when you were a kid.

If you love something French…
You studied philosophy and know the proper way to pronounce “Anaïs Nin.” French wine may be rustic and hard-to-drink, but nothing truly profound is ever easy to swallow.

If you love Port…
There are very few things better than cuddling up alone with a good book, a square of dark chocolate and a glass of fine Port. Now, please leave me alone.

If you love Biodynamic wine…
Your bag is made of leather or a natural material like canvas. You ride a bicycle to work. You think that Biodynamic wine is the only responsible wine to drink. Get with the program people.

If you love White Zinfandel…
You’re really not that into wine.

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